Legislature(2023 - 2024)GRUENBERG 120

03/21/2023 03:00 PM House STATE AFFAIRS

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03:05:42 PM Start
03:06:34 PM Confirmation Hearing(s)|| Alaska Public Offices Commission|| Alaska State Commission for Human Rights|| Confirmation Hearing(s)
03:27:09 PM HB81
03:47:07 PM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ Consideration of Governor’s Appointees: State TELECONFERENCED
Commission for Human Rights - Shiela Cernich;
Alaska Public Offices Commission - Eric Feige
Heard & Held
-- Invited & Public Testimony --
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
         HB  81-VEHICLES/BOATS: TRANSFER ON DEATH TITLE                                                                     
3:27:09 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR SHAW  announced that the  final order of business  would be                                                               
HOUSE BILL  NO. 81, "An Act  relating to the transfer  of a title                                                               
on the death of the owner; and providing for an effective date."                                                                
3:27:42 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GEORGE  RAUSCHER, Alaska State  Legislature, prime                                                               
sponsor,  presented HB  81.   He provided  the sponsor  statement                                                               
[included  in  the  committee  packet],  which  read  as  follows                                                               
[original punctuation provided]:                                                                                                
     The process of probate in  the state of Alaska can take                                                                    
     anywhere  from six  months to  several  years, and  can                                                                    
     cost  family   members  and   beneficiaries  thousands,                                                                    
     potentially tens  of thousands of dollars  in legal and                                                                    
     filing fees.  While the  State Legislature  has already                                                                    
     taken  great strides  to reduce  the costs  of probate,                                                                    
     there is still much room for improvement.                                                                                  
     House  Bill 81  continues  in spirit  with the  Uniform                                                                    
     Real  Property Transfer  on Death  Act (URPTDA),  which                                                                    
     unanimously passed  both the House and  Senate in 2014.                                                                    
     URPTDA created the Transfer on  Death (TOD) deed, which                                                                    
     allows for  nonprobate transfers of real  property. TOD                                                                    
     deeds allow  Alaskans to select a  beneficiary who will                                                                    
     receive the property at their  passing and removes that                                                                    
     property from the process of probate.                                                                                      
     In 2016,  legislation similar to  HB 81  was introduced                                                                    
     but the  legislation failed to pass  that session. HB81                                                                    
     is nearly  identical, although  it expands  the concept                                                                    
     to apply  both to  vehicles and  boats that  are issued                                                                    
     titles through the state.                                                                                                  
     HB81 continues  the ongoing effort to  reduce the costs                                                                    
     of  probate  for  Alaskans and  creates  a  streamlined                                                                    
     service  through   the  DMV  through  which   they  can                                                                    
     designate  beneficiaries   for  both  cars   and  boats                                                                    
     through  a   simple  form.  The  TOD   titles  will  be                                                                    
     available for all boats and  vehicles for which the DMV                                                                    
     provides  titles,  which   also  includes  some  mobile                                                                    
     manufactured homes under  AS 45.29.102(66). The program                                                                    
     will be self-sustaining through fees.                                                                                      
     At no  cost to  the state, HB  81 will  allow countless                                                                    
     Alaskans  to  pass  down   boats,  vehicles,  and  some                                                                    
     manufactured  homes to  beneficiaries  with more  ease,                                                                    
     and will  help simplify and streamline  the potentially                                                                    
     complicated,  costly, and  painful  process of  probate                                                                    
     following the death of a loved one.                                                                                        
3:31:10 PM                                                                                                                    
RYAN MCKEE,  Staff, Representative George Rauscher,  Alaska State                                                               
Legislature, prime  sponsor, provided the sectional  analysis for                                                               
HB 81 [included  in the committee packet], which  read as follows                                                               
[original punctuation provided]:                                                                                                
     Section 1:                                                                                                               
     Adds a  new section under  AS 05.25 that  allows owners                                                                    
     of boats,  for which  the Department  of Administration                                                                    
     (DoA)  issues titles,  to obtain  a  transfer on  death                                                                    
     (TOD) title.                                                                                                               
     Section 2:                                                                                                               
     Amends AS 13.33.101(a)  to add a transfer of  a boat or                                                                    
     vehicle  by  a  TOD  title  to  the  existing  list  of                                                                    
     acceptable nonprobate transferable property.                                                                               
     Section 3:                                                                                                               
     Creates a  provision under AS  13.33 for a  transfer on                                                                    
     death (TOD)  title for boats and  vehicles. Creates and                                                                    
     defines  the mechanism  through the  Division of  Motor                                                                    
     Vehicles  (DMV),  by  which  individuals  will  obtain,                                                                    
     revoke,  or change  their transfer  on death  title and                                                                    
     defines the parameters of the transfer on death title.                                                                     
     (a)-(c) Obtaining a TOD Title                                                                                            
       Creates a provision under  AS 13.33 for a transfer on                                                                    
     death  title  for  vehicles and  boats  for  which  DoA                                                                    
     issues titles. o This  includes some manufactured homes                                                                    
     for   which   the   DMV    issues   titles   under   AS                                                                    
     45.29.102(66).  These  homes  are without  a  permanent                                                                    
     foundation and transportable in one or more sections.                                                                      
     •  Requires   that  the  transfer   of  title   to  the                                                                    
     designated beneficiary  occurs when  the sole  owner or                                                                    
     last surviving joint owner of the vehicle dies.                                                                            
     • Requires that owners of  the boats or vehicles file a                                                                    
     form through the  DMV and pay associated  fees to apply                                                                    
     for a TOD title.                                                                                                           
     • Limits the TOD titles to two beneficiaries.                                                                              
     (d)   TOD   titles    effective   without   notice   or                                                                  
     • Provides that  TOD titles will not  require notice or                                                                    
     acceptance by the designated beneficiary.                                                                                  
     •  Provides that  TOD  titles will  not  be subject  to                                                                    
     consideration,  the  process  by   which  there  is  an                                                                    
     exchange or "quid pro quo"  required from the recipient                                                                    
     of the assets.                                                                                                             
     o  Language  taken  from  TOD  deed  statute  under  AS                                                                    
     (e) TOD titles are nontestamentary                                                                                       
     • States  that TOD titles are  nontestamentary, meaning                                                                    
     that  the  associated  vehicles   do  not  need  to  be                                                                    
     provided for in the decedents will.                                                                                        
     (f)-(g) Revocation or Change to TOD titles                                                                               
     •  Provides that  the owner  may revoke  or change  the                                                                    
     designated beneficiary  on the TOD at  any time without                                                                    
     the beneficiary's consent.                                                                                                 
     • Explains  the process by  which owners may  revoke or                                                                    
     change a TOD title.                                                                                                        
          o The owner can either assign and deliver the                                                                         
          certificate of title for the vehicle to another                                                                       
          person, thereby revoking the TOD title, or;                                                                           
          o file with  the DMV to reissue  the title without                                                                    
          a  designated  beneficiary  or  with  a  different                                                                    
          designated beneficiary.                                                                                               
     (h)   Designated   beneficiaries  right   to   disclaim                                                                  
     • Allows  designated beneficiaries  to refuse  the boat                                                                    
     or vehicle designated to them in a TOD title.                                                                              
     o  Language  taken  from  TOD  deed  statute  under  AS                                                                    
     (i)  TOD   titles  subject  to   decedent's  creditors,                                                                  
     contracts, etc.                                                                                                          
       Subjects  the TOD title to  creditor's claims against                                                                    
     the  owner's estate,  as well  as  to other  interests,                                                                    
     contracts, liens, encumbrances,  assignments, and other                                                                    
     •  These  interests  remain attached  to  the  boat  or                                                                    
     vehicle  after  it  is transferred  to  the  designated                                                                    
     (j-m) Enforcing liability upon TOD titles                                                                                
     • Imposes  the same procedures for  enforcing liability                                                                    
     upon TOD titles  that is applied to TOD  deeds under AS                                                                    
     13.48.110 and AS 13.48.088.                                                                                                
          o Provides  that the estate may  enforce liability                                                                    
          against boats  or vehicles with TOD  titles if the                                                                    
        owner's estate does not cover an allowed claim.                                                                         
     o  States that  if there  are multiple  vehicles and/or                                                                    
     boats,  and  a  liability   exists  in  the  deceased's                                                                    
     estate,  the  liability  will be  apportioned  to  each                                                                    
     asset in proportion to its net value.                                                                                      
          o  Requires   that  a  proceeding  to   enforce  a                                                                    
          liability  must  begin  within 12  months  of  the                                                                    
          owner's  passing and  can only  begin once  proper                                                                    
          notification to beneficiaries has occurred.                                                                           
          o Stipulates that TOD titles  do not affect rights                                                                    
          of  ownership  before   the  owner's  3  Sectional                                                                    
          Analysis:  31-LS0422\U death,  and  do not  affect                                                                    
          rights of the  designated beneficiary or creditors                                                                    
          of the owner(s).                                                                                                      
          o  TOD  titles  do  not give  legal  or  equitable                                                                    
          preference to the designated beneficiary.                                                                             
          o   TOD   titles    do   not   affect   designated                                                                    
          beneficiaries'   eligibility   for  state   public                                                                    
          assistance.    (n-p)     Uniform    standard    of                                                                    
        survivorship, requirements to receive TOD title                                                                         
     • Requires that the  designated beneficiary survive the                                                                    
     previous owner by 120 hours.                                                                                               
     •  Requires  that  the  designated  beneficiary  submit                                                                    
     proof  of  the owner's  death  and  an application  and                                                                    
     associated fees to the DMV.                                                                                                
     •  If there  are two  beneficiaries listed  on the  TOD                                                                    
     title, they become joint owners.                                                                                           
     (q) TOD titles may not be changed by other instruments                                                                   
     • Provides that  TOD titles may only be  changed by the                                                                    
     process outlined in section 3 and  not by a will or any                                                                    
     other instrument.                                                                                                          
     (r) Gives  the DoA authority to  develop regulations to                                                                    
     implement  the TOD  titles,  establish necessary  forms                                                                    
     and fees, etc.                                                                                                             
     (s) Definitions                                                                                                            
     Section 4:                                                                                                               
     Amends  AS  13.48.110(c)  to add  a  person  acting  on                                                                    
     behalf of the  surviving spouse of the  decedent to the                                                                    
     list  of people  who  may demand  to enforce  liability                                                                    
     against the decedents' property.                                                                                           
     Section 5:                                                                                                               
     Adds  a  new  section  to  AS  28.10.275,  relating  to                                                                    
     vehicle  titles,  to  clearly   state  that  owners  of                                                                    
     vehicles for which  the DMV issues titles  may obtain a                                                                    
     TOD title.                                                                                                                 
     Section 6:                                                                                                               
     Gives   the   DoA   authority  to   develop   necessary                                                                    
     Section  7:  Applies  an immediate  effective  date  to                                                                  
     section  5  of the  bill  to  allow the  department  to                                                                    
     develop regulations.                                                                                                       
     Section 8:                                                                                                               
     Applies  an  effective date  of  July  1, 2024  to  the                                                                    
     legislation except for sections 5 and 7.                                                                                   
3:38:14 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  SHAW inquired  about  the  Department of  Administration's                                                               
(DOA's) fiscal note.                                                                                                            
MR. MCKEE  explained that the  Division of Motor  Vehicles (DMV),                                                               
[DOA}, estimated 600 program hours at  a cost of $125 dollars per                                                               
hour for a total estimated cost of $75,000.                                                                                     
CHAIR SHAW invited questions from members of the committee.                                                                     
3:38:55 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE STORY asked  about the cost of  completing a title                                                               
transfer, or transfer on death ("TOD"), for boats or vehicles.                                                                  
REPRESENTATIVE RAUSCHER deferred to the division.                                                                               
3:39:42 PM                                                                                                                    
JEFFREY SCHMITZ, Director,  DMV, DOA, responded that  the cost of                                                               
producing a title was $15 with no lien or $30 with a lien.                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE STORY asked whether  the fifteen- or thirty-dollar                                                               
payment was a one-time fee.                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE RAUSCHER deferred to the division.                                                                               
MR. SCHMITZ explained  that the fee [of $15  or $30 respectively]                                                               
was  an  existing cost  associated  with  replacement titles  and                                                               
separate  from the  bill.    He  clarified that  the department's                                                               
fiscal  note  specifically   described  the  programming  charges                                                               
required to implement the provisions outlined in the bill.                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE STORY  asked for verification that  a person could                                                               
refuse a  gifted boat or  vehicle if  he/she could not  afford to                                                               
keep it.                                                                                                                        
REPRESENTATIVE RAUSCHER deferred to Mr. McKee.                                                                                  
3:43:43 PM                                                                                                                    
MR. MCKEE confirmed that subsection (h)  in Section 3 of the bill                                                               
allowed a designated beneficiary to refuse a boat or a vehicle.                                                                 
REPRESENTATIVE RAUSCHER  clarified that the fiscal  note had been                                                               
reduced to an indeterminate amount.                                                                                             
CHAIR SHAW opened public testimony on HB 81.                                                                                    
3:45:42 PM                                                                                                                    
BETHANN  CHAPMAN,  Representing  Self,   share  that  she  was  a                                                               
practicing attorney  in trust,  estate, and  probate areas.   She                                                               
stated  her support  for  the  bill, which  she  described as  an                                                               
additional tool to pass assets at  death without the need for the                                                               
probate process.                                                                                                                
3:46:36 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR SHAW closed  public testimony on HB 81.   He announced that                                                               
the bill was held over.                                                                                                         

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
3.8.23 Eric Feige APOC Resume_Redacted.pdf HSTA 3/21/2023 3:00:00 PM
Confirmation: Feige, Eric - Alaska Public Offices Commission
3.8.23 Shiela Cernich Human Rights Resume_Redacted.pdf HSTA 3/21/2023 3:00:00 PM
Confirmation: Cernich, Shiela - State Commission on Human Rights
3.8.23 Shiela Cernich Human Rights App_Redacted.pdf HSTA 3/21/2023 3:00:00 PM
Confirmation: Cernich, Shiela - State Commission on Human Rights
HB 81 Sponsor Statement.pdf HSTA 3/21/2023 3:00:00 PM
HB 81
HB 81 Sectional Analysis .pdf HSTA 3/21/2023 3:00:00 PM
HB 81
HB 81 Letters of Support.pdf HSTA 3/21/2023 3:00:00 PM
HB 81
HB0081A.PDF HSTA 3/21/2023 3:00:00 PM
HB 81
HB 81 Fiscal Note DOA DMV 2.24.23.pdf HSTA 3/21/2023 3:00:00 PM
HB 81